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  • Writer's pictureEmily Mintz

Miracle Working God

- Sept 2022 - As a lot of you know, my dad nearly died after a heart surgery in April, so I went home for 3 months to help my family during his recovery. Thank you again for all the prayers & support during this tough time. Here's a quick update & testimony on what happened, my ministry now, & what's to come.

My Dad's Miracle:

On April 22nd, my dad went into a non-emergent Triple Artery Bypass for his heart. Up to this point, he'd was seemingly healthy and strong, with just some shortness of breath and some tests that showed that he had some heart congestion. However, when they took him into surgery and opened him up, a 4 hour surgery turned into 8 hours because they ran into some unexpected problems. From this point on, my dad got hit with 6 near death moments:

  • A planned Triple Bypass turned into a Quintuple Artery Bypass (FIVE arteries replaced), & he had severe bleeding complications during the procedure

  • Transferred to the ICU with a breathing tube, his body went into shock that caused all his organs to shut down (they saved him, but his kidneys and liver were damaged)

  • He had to go on daily dialysis (to make up for his now non-functioning kidneys)

  • They tried to remove the breathing tube several times throughout the first weak, and he had 3 episodes where his body would crash & they'd have to save him

  • During one of the crashes, we found out later that he'd experienced a stroke

  • A few days after that, he had severe stomach bleed (nearly bled out completely & they had to give him 6 bags of blood -- which is a huge amount)

All of this happened within a span of his 3 weeks in the ICU! God really saved his life multiple times during those weeks, and we are so grateful he's alive. He spent over 2 months in the hospital, and is now at home and going to an outpatient rehab to regain his strength. His heart is in good condition, but left leg has a lot of residual pain from the surgery where they took the arteries. He also has a lot of muscle weaknes and cognitive impairment from the Stroke, plus fatigue and continued monitoring due to the recovering kidneys. He really did get hit with everything. I'm thankful I was able to go home this summer to help be there for my family in this difficult time. This was by far one of the hardest seasons of my whole family's lives. No on expected anything like this to happen, but I really saw God's faithfulness working throughout it all constantly. I also saw so many of you loving on my family and sending so much support in ways that blew us all away. I can't thank you all enough!

Now that he's further down the road to recovery and taking care of him is more manageable for my mom and family, it really felt like the right time to head back to my missions base in France. I still have at least a year left in Paris for sure, and I believe missions work as a whole is a long-term career for my future. This is a season of perseverance, but I have a strong sense that some really exciting & good things are on the horizon.


My Ministry

I'm now back in France, serving with my missions campus YWAM Paris Connect. It's an interesting season, because although there's been a lot of trials this year, there's also been a big sense of hope. I'm in my 5th year of missions here in Paris (6th total in YWAM), and I've really been seeking God for next steps & new vision. At this point, I know that I'll at least be in Paris for another year, but as for missions work in general, I feel very strongly that this is a long-term call for me. How that looks & the details of it all are still unknown. Which is scary! However, I have such a great expectation for what God has planned for these upcoming years.


Looking Back:

This summer, I had a lot of time in the hospital & at home to reflect back over what God's done my past 4+ years in missions work. It's just incredible, to see all the things He's built in just a short amount of time.

So I put together a personal impact report to help summarize my missions story so far! There's a timeline, ministry descriptions, & statistics/testimonies! Please click below! Emily's 2022 Missionary Impact Report


Ministry Now:

This summer, my missions campus has been in full swing! We still have weekly ministries running locally, like food programs, prayer for the city, and evangelism. We also just finished our 4th "Paris Je t'Aime" (a 2 week Paris focused outreach) where we hosted 150+ missionaries/churches from all over the world & impacted Paris together.

Paris Je t'Aime Ministry Statistics: 17 Healings 60 Salvations 2,102 God/Gospel conversations 693 People prayed for 982 Gospel materials given out 276 Mercy/Service ministries Praise God!


Other Ministry News: 3 Outreach Teams are back!

  1. A team of our staff joined with Homes for Hope in Ukraine for 10 days, and they personally helped build 45 homes for refugees! Many of these people were elderly and had left their life long homes and investments behind. They were shocked and overwhelmingly blessed to have such help given to them in this hard season. We're sending a 2nd Ukraine out in October!

  2. Our Music & Worship DTS students finished their 3 months of outreach. They served in Paris Je t'aime, plus festivals and church ministries in Switzerland, southern France, & Spain.

Their Ministry Statistics: 695 heard testimonies 189 conversations about Jesus 101 prayed for 15 mercy ministries 24 encouragement/gospel materials given 1 healing 6 salvations

3. The Birth Attendant School finished 3 months of outreach in Madagascar, where they gave medical assistance in hospitals, clinics, homes, plus helped minister in churches and neighbourhoods, and provide simple health education where there is limited access. These girls are trained in basic midwifery, and get to minister to mommas and babies in one of the most precious times of life. Welcoming new babies into the world with prayer in the name of Jesus. They saw God to some incredible things!

Their Ministry Statistics: 12 babies delivered 29 mom / babies cared for 157 babies weighed 182 antenatal checks 505 blood pressure checks 303 immunizations given 25 locals trained in simple health care 112 gospel shared 175 prayed for 5 miracles/healings 9 salvations PRAISE GOD!


Looking Forward: As I said, missions work does look like a long-term call for my life, but the details of that & specific steps are yet to be revealed.

Knowing that I'm in this for the long haul, God has really been asking me to build up a team of partners around me that will join in this mission by my side.

My starting goal is $2,500 monthly support per month. This is just minimum wage for France & a basic starting point for building a life & ministry for the future.

I've spent the last 4 years living off only $500 a month & eating away at savings, and now my rent is going up this month. But I believe it's time for a new start! We're not called to always live on bare minimum. We are sons & daughters of the King!

Since May, God has already TRIPLED my monthly support! I am blown away. For the first time in years, I'm able to save up for travels home and outreaches, for a meal out, or a holiday to rest. And I'm now only around $950/month away from the total goal!! God is a provider, and I know He will provide for you too if you feel to join my team.

Please Help Support Me: In Prayer & Finances Will you join my team of Partners? Everything I do here with Youth With a Mission France is 100% volunteer & based on support from others!

  • Monthly Financial Support Needed - In order to stay in missions long term, I'm in need of $2,500/month of support to sustain a missional career & live here. I've seen God bring SO much increase this summer, but I'm still trusting for about $950 more a month to reach that goal. Would you please pray about joining my team and partnering monthly with my ministry here in YWAM?

THANK YOU for all your prayers & support!



1. Checks - mailed to Emily Mintz 17 Country Squire Ct Saint Louis, MO 63146 2. Venmo Phone App, to me @emintz92 ( no fees here! ) 3. Apple Pay (+33 6 28 42 44 87) 4. Sign up for monthly giving through YWAM automatic withdrawals & tax deductible receipts - message me for how! 5. Direct American or French bank transfers, or Transferwise: message me for bank details 6. Paypal: Click below! With this option, please make sure to click "sending to friend or family" if given the option $USD Paypal Gifts Euro Paypal Gifts

If you have further questions for me or want to chat before

considering joining my team, let me know! I'm always available for a call or zoom.

And the Impact Report is a great summary of

what my missions career is about too. So please check it out!

Much Love, Emily Mintz Check out my blog This email was created with Wix.‌ Discover More  

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